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Coffee Machine Hire
for your Workplace

Coffee Machine Hire Dingley

  • There’s no doubt that we all feel better after that first cup of coffee in the morning. If your workplace is near a café, then you’ve no doubt noticed the clockwork exit of employees throughout the day as they go in search of their coffee fix. It’s little wonder that businesses of all types now choose to have their own coffee machine on the premises. But there’s no need to buy one. With MyCup’s coffee machine hire, Dingley business owners can have the latest coffee machine in their office, and only ever pay for the coffee, chai powder, and hot chocolate that they use.  

    Given that the hire is essentially free, you can easily swap over to a different machine, or hire multiple coffee machines for the one workplace as your business needs grow or change.

    There’s also less hassle for you, as we schedule regular deliveries of locally roasted, Rainforest Alliance certified coffee beans, so you’ll never run out.

    It’s not just office-based businesses that can benefit from MyCup’s coffee machine hire. Dingley sporting clubs can hire a machine for a one-off event, or for their regular training practices or match days. In fact, coffee machine hire is ideal for all sorts of events and functions. From the end-of-year Christmas party, to a trade show, or fundraiser, you can provide barista-quality coffee for sale, or as a simple gesture that lets employees, clients, or even potential customers know that you care. 

    To find out how you can have freshly roasted coffee available at your business, club, or event, call 13000MYCUP (1300 069 287) and talk to the coffee machine hire experts ‘near me’.

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Our Coffee Beans

Our six bespoke blends integrate complex, vibrant, distinct flavours, while our single origin beans stand out, not blend in. Our beans provide flavour profiles that suit any palette.

Jay5 Blend
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A deluxe coffee machine
Coffee Machine
fully serviced and maintained
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All included in the price per cup
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